Home RecipesBy Special DietDairy Free Vegan Cream of Asparagus Soup

Vegan Cream of Asparagus Soup

by Mini Bhuwania


Vegan Cream of Asparagus Soup - A easy and quick recipe to warm your winter months.

Fresh asparagus is a versatile delight, capable of being enjoyed in various culinary forms – roasted, paired with eggs, stir-fried, or simply grilled with a dash of soy sauce. Nonetheless, one of the most prevalent ways to savour asparagus is through a luscious, flavour-packed soup that can be relished year-round. Though it truly shines when in season, offering the freshest, most vibrant, and most flavourful vegetables.

This sumptuous, velvety soup boasts an intricate tapestry of flavors. It exudes warmth. . .

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Anonymous July 21, 2023 - 10:49 am

Hi , will it change the flavour profile if I use red onions instead of the yellow. Thanks .


Aryaman Bhuwania July 28, 2023 - 1:21 am

Hi Ruby,
Red onions are colourful and spicy-to-mild flavoured. Compare to yello/brown onions which turn nutty and sweet when cooked. Slight change but you can substitute with red if that’s what you have handy.


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